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Springer was Adopted!

We have some wonderful news to share about a bunny who has been in foster care with HRS for three years! …SPRINGER HAS BEEN ADOPTED!

Big boy Springer came to HRS in March of 2021. A HRS volunteer found a notice on Facebook of a local stray bunny hopping around the neighborhood. The family who found him had no luck finding his owners after going door-to-door and posting notices across the internet. The volunteer squeezed some extra space in their home to foster the stray, naming him Springer after discovering him on the first day of the season. Springer immediately took to his foster family and their cats, and them to him, as he charmed his guardians with his exuberant zoomy and binky displays and fantastic flops that would melt their hearts.

Despite his amazing personality, Springer is a large Californian with ruby eyes, and like many ruby-eyed white buns before him, he was often overlooked by adopters. He spent a year in foster care before finding an opportunity to join his forever home. In 2022, a family came to HRS looking for a friend for their bun. She was a physical match to Springer, with her size and white coat with pointed tips. With fingers crossed, they were sent on bunnymoon. During this time, Springer’s big and loving personality continued to capture more hearts within the family.

Over the course of the bonding, it became evident that the two buns matched in more than just physical similarities, but strong-willed nature as well. Much to the dismay of his would-be adoptive family, the bonding was unsuccessful. He returned to foster care, his affections and hope never waning, and has been waiting patiently for his forever home ever since.

This year, a family applied to adopt from HRS after their beloved bunny passed away. While they missed their bunny dearly, they still had so much love to give. They sought to honor the memory of their beloved by adopting another rabbit in need of a home. While they looked at many adoptable rabbits, the ultimate decision hinged on whose personality matched best with the family. It was no contest. After winning so many hearts over the years, Springer knew his victory was secured. He effortlessly won the family over, and his adoption was made official in June.

HRS would like to thank every volunteer who has housed Springer over the years for taking such good care of him in foster care. We can say confidently that Springer holds a special place in all the hearts of his caretakers, as every one of them has confessed their love for him.

And of course, we’d like to thank Springer’s new bunny parents, for seeing what a special bunny he is and finally giving him the forever home he deserves.

If you’re interested in helping other bunnies like Springer, visit to learn more about fostering or adopting with HRS.


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